Autumn Leaves 1 Metal Print

by Alan Hausenflock

Product Details
Autumn Leaves 1 metal print by Alan Hausenflock. Bring your artwork to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back. The high gloss of the aluminum sheet complements the rich colors of any image to produce stunning results.
Design Details
Autumn Leaves 1
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3 - 4 business days
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Artist's Description
Autumn Leaves 1
About Alan Hausenflock

Contact / 804-994-3283 My interest In photography started in 2001 when I picked up a magazine in an office and saw an image of the Owens Valley in California by Galen Rowell. I was really amazed by Galen�s work and I started exploring photography. Soon after that my wife bought me a small digital camera and I was unknowingly off on a new career. My background in information technology helped me to learn digital photography and the software that supports it. I took night classes, joined photographer�s groups, made many field trips and read everything I could get my hands on about photography. I love shooting in the mountains and forests with their rugged landscapes. My favorite time to shoot is at sunrise and sunset when...